
Access remote data from U2 using BCI

  • UV
  • UD
  • D3
  • QM

HOWTO Access Remote Data Using BCI

The Basic Calling Interface (BCI) provides a means of accessing external data sources from within your UniVerse or UniData applications using the ODBC standard. The BCI allows you to both read and write data to and from a wide variety of data sources, including many mainstream database types (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL) and other ODBC compliant applications (an Excel spreadsheet, for example).

This HOWTO guide runs through a step-by-step example of using BCI to read and update a Microsoft Access database.


To complete the examples you will need the following resources:

  • UniVerse or UniData on Windows. You can use the Personal Edition, details on obtaining them are here.
  • WYCHBOOKS Demonstration Database (MS Access) available here.
  • A copy of the completed programs for UniVerse can be downloaded here.